Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our Future

I see a New Earth in our you see it?  What does it look like to you?  The way I envision our future is actually a new way of life.  It's as if we all have awakened from the illusions, fears, and oppressions of our current way of life and current society.  We all harmonize with Mother Earth and create ways to sustain ourselves that are Earth friendly.  We only use the amount of resources that we need, leaving plenty for others.  All needs our met.  I'll repeat this....all basic human needs are met for every single human on this planet.  You see, in my vision of our future, everyone has a job that they love.  In fact, everyone is actually using their innate spiritual gifts and has a specific job that corresponds to their life purpose.  It's so simple, when we are all doing what we love and what we came here to do...everyone lives in harmony and experiences bliss.

When I was 8 years old, I didn't understand why there were so many people homeless and struggling to survive, while others had excessive amounts of resources.  This didn't make sense to me (and still doesn't for that matter).  My 8 year old solution was simple:  Why doesn't everyone get paid the same amount of money no matter what their job is?  This way, all jobs are equal and people will naturally be drawn to do what makes them happy.  Also, my 8 year old mind thought that we should only use the resources that we need, leaving enough resources for others.  This way everyone is equal and everyone has what they need.  I guess you could say that this whole Capitalism thing never made sense to my child-like mind and doesn't make sense to my adult mind either.  Did it make sense to you as a kid?  Think back to when you were a child and how you perceived the world and envisioned the future.  I know I'm not the only child who thought this way, and I know I'm not the only adult who feels this way either.   

I've been called an idealist....been told that my head is in the clouds....but I've actually seen the Utopia that I yearn for.  An angel gave me a glimpse in a dream once, and although I can not visually describe what it looks like, I can tell you how it feels.  It feels like equality, oneness, peace, harmony, bliss, Divine love, everyone working together for the highest feels like Heaven on Earth.  I know we get there as a society...I'm just not sure of when we get there.  I'll tell you this is long overdue and can't come soon enough!

You can ridicule me all you want (it wouldn't be the first time), but I truly believe in a better way of life for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.  This is a vision I've had as a child and I refuse to let it go (sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me going).  I suggest simplifying our lives so that Mother Earth doesn't do it for us.  I suggest investing in emergency kits in case Mother Earth does it anyway.  I suggest becoming one with ourselves and the Universe/Spirit/Higher Power/whatever you call it.  I suggest we learn Earth friendly ways of self-sustaining and open up to the idea of working together as a community rather than just looking out for ourselves.  Happy 2012 everyone, looking forward to the transition to a better way of life for all. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wake Up!

I don't know about you, but Mercury Retrograde is never a fun time for me.  In fact, it's a rather challenging time, on all levels, and really pushes me to my limit (and beyond).  Yesterday I was done.  I was ready for Mercury to come out of retrograde and have my life move forward again.  I was done with having painful experiences from the past visit me in my dreams.  I was done with all the miscommunication and misunderstandings as I tried to function in my every day life.  I was done with all the physical symptoms that have tortured me since the last time Mercury was in retrograde.  I was done with all the low blows Mercury seemed to throw my way.  I had mentally and spiritually prepared for the arrival of retrograde.  I had executed my plans to use the energy to address unresolved issues that were hanging over me since I relocated.  I even attempted to make a final decision on a personal and emotional issue that has haunted me for almost three years now...only to have retrograde thwart my attempt.  Exhausted and emotionally spent, I did what I always do when I find that life on the Earth plane is less than appealing...I turned to the spirit world and spoke to spiritual beings of Light.

Who do I speak to you ask?  I usually call upon Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, and my Soul Family.  Basically any and all spiritual beings of Light who will listen to me and help me in my endeavors.  I speak to them aloud mostly, as if they were other human beings in the physical world.  I always speak to them when I'm in the comfort of my own home, but when I really need to vent, I find that speaking to them while driving is helpful.  In the privacy of my car, I talk to them as if they are physical passengers that everyone can see and I start talking a mile a minute as if it were a therapy session.  Other drivers just assume that I'm singing to a song or something and pay no attention to me (at least that's what I tell myself ) and I always feel so comforted and loved afterwards.  So that is what I did yesterday while driving in the rain to pick up my daughter from school.

I went off about how difficult life has been down here (I'm sure you can relate...2011 has not been friendly to most of us).  I expressed how I understood the reasons for most challenges and changes that I've been through, but I wanted to know when the blessings begin?  When does the Light outshine the darkness?  When does the storm pass (it's been roughly three years for me).  Hadn't I learned to dance in the rain?  Hadn't I paid my karmic debt?  Hadn't I shown grace, and courage, and strength through it all?  And why do they keep yelling at me to work on my life purpose?  This is what has been bothering me the most.  The constant pressure to work on my life purpose.  If those in Spirit are so concerned with me fulfilling my mission in life, then why don't they just tell me what I'm supposed to do already?  I expressed how exhausted I was and that I had had enough already.  When I finally stopped rambling, they responded (through feelings, thoughts, and numbers) and told me to remain positive and have faith.  They told me (as they always do) to remain centered and spiritually aware.

So simple I thought.  I must be overcomplicating everything (no surprise there).  After I picked up my daughter, the rain stopped and a beautiful double rainbow appeared!  It was so magnificent and breath-taking.  I couldn't stop staring at it as I tried to keep my eyes on the road.  As I was staring at the rainbow, the reminder alarm went off on my phone.  I was confused initially, because I didn't have any plans (that I was aware of) and I was already driving home.  Then it hit me!  I had signed my daughter up for a tumbling class after school and had completely forgotten about it!  I had to bust out a U-turn (legally of course) and drive swiftly (you've done this too) to the gym.  We arrived on time, but I had not come prepared (my daughter was in jeans and I did not bring her leotard).  I frantically explained to the owner that I had forgotten to bring the leotard and that we didn't have time to go home and was it ok if she participated in tumbling class in jeans (yes I really asked that).  The owner calmly asked what size pants she wore and gave her a clean pair of sweat pants from a drawer that I didn't even know existed (apparently I am not the only mom who has ever spaced out and come completely unprepared).  My daughter changed and attended her class and all was well. 

The message from Spirit is simple of course:  Even if you're roaming around with your head in the clouds, staring at a beautiful rainbow when you should be focusing on what's in front of you, heading in the opposite direction of your true alarm will go off and you will hear it loud and clear.  The light bulb will go off in your head and everything will make sense.  You will know exactly where you need to be, what way you need to go to get there, you will arrive in Divine Timing and even if you think you are completely unprepared and unsure of what you need to will receive all the tools & guidance you need when you arrive.  You will complete your mission and everything will work out according to the Divine Plan.

Until next time Mercury Retrograde....I pray that everyone hears their personal alarm going off and that we all awaken to our true life mission.
